The Institute for Interpersonal Embodied Healing

Interpersonal Embodied Healing is a somatic and attachment-oriented approach developed by trauma expert, Syanna Wand, for addressing the psychobiological impacts and grief of complex and developmental trauma.

Our training for becoming an educated coach in the field of trauma recovery and grief work is an 18-month long program including twelve months of group and individual training along with a six month practicum period for application and testing, after which students will be equipped and ready to see individual clients, offer group support in various environments and apply to join our practice as a certified practitioner, if desired.

Our next training begins September 2023.

What is Interpersonal Embodied Healing?

 Interpersonal Embodied Healing is an approach to unwinding the layers of disconnection, adaptive protection, suppressed emotion, nervous system dysregulation and survival-oriented patterns of relating that are at the heart of living with complex and developmental trauma.

 We are inherently relational beings. As such, both our deepest fears and deepest longings center around both connection and disconnection and our ability to feel safe and secure inside of them, whether with ourselves, one another or within the world at large.

 This is the interpersonal nature of healing; how our fullest human expression both impacts and is impacted by the environments and contexts we are formed in or what we might call a biopsychosocial perspective.

 Interpersonal Embodied Healing seeks to create a safe, inquiry-based space to explore the deeper needs, feelings, beliefs, wants and expressions that arise through any one human, such that they can be witnessed, contained and integrated in ways that allow for development to resume and change to become possible as organic flow and movement are restored after trauma.

 Our goal is to support, respect, care for and bring compassion to the human experience in all its many expressions through the lens of secure, available relating and embodiment.


Syanna Wand is an Interpersonal Embodied Healing Practitioner and creator of the Interpersonal Embodied Healing method. With a decade of clinical experience in the fields of health, wellness and trauma work, she has brought together her experience from various holistic approaches and trainings to create an integrated model for working with clients from all backgrounds and walks of life.

IN this program, you will learn: 

  • To sit with clients in a secure and embodied way, to hold safe space

  • To attune to and notice the embodied signals of both client and practitioner as a way to inform your work

  • To understand and track unconscious experience as witnessed through the body and communicated through the mind

  • To separate story from state and to help your clients do so as well

  • To create intentional client contracts and consent in each and every interaction with your clients to facilitate and encourage both safety and agency after trauma

  • To help guide and nurture the therapeutic process without engaging in directive or rescuing behaviors

  • To set and maintain appropriate boundaries both inside and outside clinical settings

  • To work with trauma from a present-moment and embodied state perspective

  • To guide your clients into their embodied experience without overwhelming or shutting down the nervous system

  • To understand and feel confident in working with the neurobiological impacts, symptoms and adaptations that arise from early life trauma

  • To repair rupture in the therapeutic container when it, necessarily and importantly, occurs

  • To feel confident working with all types of populations in an informed and professional manner

  • To work through personal biases or limitations that might be inhibiting connection or growth in the client-practitioner container


  •  The nature of this program is depth-oriented and rigorous. Because of the nature of the content and the experiential aspect of the program, you will be required to obtain and maintain professional support from an individual therapist or trauma-informed coach that you see at least once monthly for the duration of the program.

  •  While the nature of the program encourages you to understand and connect with any traumatic material you may be carrying as a way to more fully understand and connect with your clients, it is not a substitute for or form of therapy, medical advice or personal coaching and, as such, you will be required to work through any challenges, triggers or personal experiences related to the course material outside of class.

  •  In order to engage in the program to completion, you must be actively working with or intending to work with clients in a 1:1 or group basis. You will need at least three practice clients to work with during the year and at least five paying clients in order to complete your practicum hours should you decide to pursue certification.

    *The Interpersonal Embodied Healing Institute will not supply clients to any students.